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As you continue exploring and viewing homes in our area, is giving you total access to some 3,500 to 4,500 active listings. When you see a listing that catches your attention, I would encourage you to mark it as a favorite. Not only will this allow you to go back and review your favorites, this also gives me an idea of the type of home that is attractive to you. Additionally, I will email you a full MLS property printout for that home, to include maps, pictures and property disclosure.
As a prospective buyer, there are 6 things you should not do! Click on the following link – and check them out!
I look forward to assisting you! Don’t hesitate to call or text me at (907) 727-9379 or email me at is updated several times daily. I trust you will recognize that is the only home search site you will ever need! I guarantee total confidentiality.
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